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CMA CGM and CATL in green energy jv

Dunkerque Port CMA CGM Champ Elysees
CMA CGM Champs Elysees at Dunkirk
CMA CGM and China’s Contemporary Amperex Technology Co (CATL) plan to set up joint venture and promote green vessels and low-carbon solutions.

The two parties have signed a cooperation agreement focusing on building comprehensive greenhouse gas emission reduction solutions, planned to establish a joint venture to meet the growing environmental protection needs, supporting energy transformation and industrial upgrading.

In addition, CMA CGM and CATL will deepen cooperation on electric ships, warehouse logistics, renewable energy, etc., to jointly promote the dual-transformation of digitalization and green low-carbon.

In the future, both parties plan to integrate technology, market, and resources to jointly promote the development of green transportation and strengthen cooperation in digitalisation and green low-carbon transformation, according to CATL.